Argentina - The home of the sultry tango does a good line in fiery soccer and juicy steaks.

Argentina's pleasures - stunning natural wonders, an elegant capital with a European-flavored sophistication, and a passionate culture - are as tempting as ever. The silver lining to the financial cloud is that it's now one of the best travel bargains around.

This is one Latin American country where Europeans and North Americans can feel at ease and travel relatively inconspicuously. An interest in soccer and some nimble foot skills may be all you need to blend in with the locals.

When To Go
For residents of the Northern Hemisphere, Argentina offers travelers the possibility of enjoying two summers in one year, but the country's great variety and elongated geography means visiting is pleasant during any season. Patagonian destinations, such as the Moreno Glacier in Santa Cruz, are best visited in the summer months (December to February ) when the weather's milder and more services are available. Outside this time, services thin out and public transport becomes trickier. Spring and autumn are the best times to visit Buenos Aires (the summer is hot and humid). Mendoza, Córdoba and the Lake District are all spectacular in autumn, when the leaves are fiery reds and yellows, the temperatures are comfortable and the crowds are few.

Northern Argentina, including the Iguazú Falls in the subtropical Misiones province, is also more pleasant in the Southern Hemisphere's winter or spring when heat and humidity are less oppressive. Ski season runs mid-June through mid-October, and the resorts are most expensive and most crowded during July and August when every porteño (person from Buenos Aires) seems to be on the slopes. The most expensive times to travel are the Argentine vacation months of January, February and July

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